

(2009/06/22 11:57)




性工作在德國是合法的,與其他工作一樣享有權利,像是健保及失業津貼。以 2008 年的數據來看,德國全國約有45萬名性工作者,在柏林的約有1萬名。街上流鶯約占3%,其他的在紅燈戶及按摩院工作,還有一些人是在家接案。


除了在價錢上符合客人的期待,俱樂部及紅燈戶開始用高級服務、私人溫泉與便宜享受等方式來行銷。據報導,柏林最大的紅燈戶 Artemis 就有著各式服務。其入場費為80歐元(新台幣約3千6百元),客人可以使用健身房、自助餐、游泳池與觀看兩部情色片。如果要性服務則需多付60歐元(新台幣約2千4百元),可以享受30分鐘。


德國柏林上周展出性愛展覽(Amora Sex Academy),內容大膽露骨卻極具教育意義,展覽中由假人擺出各種性愛姿勢,還讓人實際撫摸身體,若摸中陰道內部可刺激高潮的G點,假人還會發出嬌羞聲音誇獎「就是這裡!」


A touchy-feely sex academy

July 14, 2009 at 5:49 pm by Shawn Alff

amora 300x215 A touchy feely sex academy The Amora Sex Academy recently opened in Berlin, featuring interactive exhibits designed to increase sexual knowledge and skill. Despite the name, Amora isn’t a kind of “Marital Arts Academy,” where a stern sensei instructs students on various holds and breathing methods. Amora is more like the Bodies exhibit; however, instead of the cadavers of derelict prostitutes Amora features life-size nude mannequins set in sexual positions and wired to respond to human touch. These mannequins are similar to the same department store variety whose skirts you looked up as a kid, but with one key difference: you’re encouraged to fondle them. In fact, that’s the event’s slogan:

“Finally–an exhibition for those who always have to touch everything,”

amora prostrate finder A touchy feely sex academy Two mannequins in particular light up and let out a “That’s it,” when you locate their respective g-spot and prostate. One can’t help but wonder why the event’s creators didn’t make these mannequins as life-like as statues in a wax museum, allowing visitors to fondle replicas of Sarah Palin and Barack Obama. Maybe the people running Amora got tired of cleaning up after the cleaning crew.

In addition to the naught mannequins, Amora offers over 50 hands-on displays, guiding visitors through the wonders of sex. Exhibits provide how-to instructions on everything from strip teases to sex positions. A fetish section even offers a submissive mannequin outfitted with a “Spank-O-Meter,” which rates the pleasure visitors provide with a leather whip (undoubtedly similar models will soon replace the punching bag game in bars and the sledge hammer strength contest at carnivals). A “Sensorium” provides tips on stimulating all of your partner’s senses with things like aphrodisiacs and aroma therapy.

amora exhibition 221x300 A touchy feely sex academy Like all museum exhibits, this one ends in a gift shop. However, buying a sex toy in this setting is considerably less creepy than going to the counter of a sex shop lit up with neon lights, unless you’re surrounded by a gang of attractive women.

Amora was started in London by a Frenchman, who else, and will soon travel to Barcelona. It’s unclear if the mannequins’ accents will be changed to match their setting, or if Amora will ever make it to Tampa. We can only hope that a local entrepreneur (attention Joe Redner) will see the potential and open a similar sex exhibit in Tampa, though with a few upgrades, like replacing the mannequins with real life models from Mons Venus. Of course then, you’d have to contend with a bunch of greasy guys in sweat pants and rain coats.

Read more about Amora at reuters.com



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